If you are someone using a new hearing aid or going to get one, then you need to know some basic information about hearing aid. Many of you have doubts regarding how much time is required to get used to [...]
What most of us take for granted becomes a source of astonishment and perplexity for those who do not have that advantage. While this statement is accurate in many situations, today we will discuss the human ear and the mystery [...]
Hearing loss is more prevalent in today’s environment than most of us realise. According to the World Health Organisation, approximately 2.5 billion individuals will have some degree of hearing loss by 2050, with at least 700 requiring hearing rehabilitation, and [...]
A hearing aid is one of the beneficial devices used by hearing loss people for better hearing. Thanks to the technology to incorporate intricate and tiny pieces to make a fantastic device. Like your mobile phone or laptop, which experiences [...]
Hearing loss is a common problem only in some cases it’s a bit sensitive. Hearing loss can be caused because of two reasons which are aging and loud noise. Experts say that 80% of hearing loss is caused due to [...]
Hearing loss is one of the medical conditions which has a higher impact on the concerned person’s life. People who face this inability go through severe isolation and stress. However, most people feel hesitant and don’t prefer to wear hearing [...]
It is often that hearing loss tends to impact both the ears. But in reality, there are chances for single-sided deafness or unilateral hearing loss. Some babies are born with this defect, but older children and adults may face these [...]
A hearing aid is a blessing in disguise for people who think their social life is a little down because of hearing loss. It would have been terrifying to talk with someone. However, this miracle device brought back the charm [...]
Hearing loss is a partial or complete absence of sound. But that is not always the case. Some exceptional cases include single-sided hearing loss and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Likewise, reverse-slope hearing loss is an uncommon issue. It would be [...]
Well, you might have decided to finally get a hearing aid machine. But, the moment you step into the nearest hearing aid centre in Chennai, many variables confuse you. For instance, you may look at types of hearing aids on [...]